How to customise my CSV file
One awesome feature of Contactzilla is the ability to add customised fields to contacts. These custom fields are extra information that feature alongside your contact. These fields could be anything you like from, favourite colour, dog, place of birth (you get the jist).
When importing from CSV file you can add custom fields to your spreadsheet so when you import the file these custom fields show alongside your contacts. In this guide we will show you how to a customised fields to your CSV file for import.
1) First download the CSV file template, you can find the template here. Open the template. It should look like the one below. If it doesn't work please follow the steps outlined in 'CSV import isn't working' to get the right formatting
2) To add customised fields simply add columns at the end of the sheet to the template and change these whatever you like. In this example I have added favourite fruit, place of birth, favourite dog and hair colour
3) Save your CSV file and open Contactzilla. Go into your address book and click services
4) Click on CSV and then click the import options button
5) Once you've clicked import options > select CSV > then choose file > find your CSV file > then click upload file
6) Once you've clicked on the Upload File button you can scroll to the bottom and will be able to see your custom fields > click import contacts from CSV file
7) Once your contacts have been added > go into contacts and each contact will then show the custom fields you added to each contact
Now you know how to add customised fields to your contacts when importing from CSV, if you need further support or have any questions please contact support